Become an Outdoor
Madrassah Practitioner

In this course, the vast classroom of the great outdoors serves as both mentor and muse, guiding us towards a deeper, interconnected understanding of our surroundings and our faith. After this course (and a practical assessment), you will be able to run your own outdoor madrassahs for children.

4 hourly sessions @ £55 (recordings available) (further practical and syllabus available to purchase)

Suitable for muslim scout leaders, forest school practitioners, and muslim home schoolers with an interest in the outdoors from an islamic perspective


  1. The importance of understanding the current worldview
  2. Intro to Systems Thinking
  3. Intro to Nature Connectedness
  4. Intro to Nature Connectedness continued
  5. Intro to Sit Spot Nature Practices
  6. Importance of the Nature Development Journal
  7. Exploring Forests
  8. Intro to an understanding of Surah Ibrahim
  9. The Quran and Fractal PatternsWhat is One Eyed in End of Times
  10. Planning an Enquiry of Learning
  11. How to create ideas for enquiries of learning?
  12. Learning the principles of nature.
  13. Applying Principles of Nature to Learning

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Online Platform

Follow a structure or learn what you are interested in.

Learn at your own Pace

Access to course for one year, to do in your own time.

Access to your course instructor:

24/7 help chat available through what's app or chat.

Suggested Courses