Beekeeping from an
Islamic Perspective

Step into the vibrant world of bees and uncover the secrets of nature’s most industrious pollinators. Over the span of three weeks, we’ll take you from the basics of bee biology to the sweet satisfaction of maintaining a thriving hive.

3 hourly sessions £30 recordings available


  1. Learn about Bees
  2. The Science of Bees
  3. The Life of Bees
  4. About Beekeeping
  5. Your first Beehive
  6. Equipment
  7. Clothing
  8. Starting your Beehive
  9. Healthy Beehive
  10. Inspecting your Beehive
  11. Reaping your Reward

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Online Platform

Follow a structure or learn what you are interested in.

Learn at your own Pace

Access to course for one year, to do in your own time.

Access to your course instructor:

24/7 help chat available through what's app or chat.

Suggested Courses