About Us

Why Hearts SEE?

Hearts SEE was established in order to change the hearts and minds of people back to our fitrah. We are living in a society where there is an overwhelming shift to disconnection with the natural world. We have a lack of understanding of beauty and perfection, we are reciting the Quran without understanding, without reflection and deep thinking. With the birth of Western civilization, our left and right brain hemispheres are out of sync, one dominating the other. These are all plots of Iblees and he is preparing for the end of times.

We need to reconnect with Allah’s signs in the natural world, and learn the languages of nature, and use this wisdom to improve ourselves and society as a whole. The natural world submits to Allah completely, and Allah commands us to submit completely and not to follow in the footsteps of Shaitan. Surah Baqarah verse 208. Why don’t you observe, why don’t you travel the world? Revelation came outside in the Arabian desert? Not in the classroom. We need to go outside to learn.

Hearts: Allah mentions it is the heart that sees and hears, it is the heart that thinks and reflects. Purification happens in the heart. We are aiming for the Qalb-as-Saleem.

SEE: It is the hearts that “see”. Today’s world is in crises, a Social, Environmental, Economic, and Educational crisis.

Your Hearts SEE journey

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a shepherd for 40 years, out in nature, alone, thinking, pondering, and observing the trees, wilderness, seasons, fruits, stars, sun, moon, people and society. Then he used to go to the Cave of Hira for contemplation. He used to go off grid. Away. Out. For contemplation. He contemplated on what? Nature! Till he got to a level of contemplation that he was able to receive Wahi. Then came the word “IQRA”. Read what? Nature! The Quran al Taqwini. Revelation revealed over 23 years. It was a slow process.

We learnt tawheed through nature, Allah’s signs in the universe, for first 13 years. This was a process of re-wiring and re-connecting. A process of tazkiyyah nafs. Then came the Laws of society – re-establishing and restoring the balance. Now we are living in the 21st century. We first need to unravel the plots of Iblees. He has been plotting since inception of humanity and has vowed to be an open enemy to mislead people into the hellfire. Since the birth of western civilisation, Iblees’s plans have become superspeed. Prior to this, we had polymathic societies that were using their right brain hemispheres as the dominant sphere.

We are now working in silos, separating subjects from one another, working as individuals and not as a society. Divide and conquer. We need to recognise his plots of evil and how he has made disobedience attractive on earth. We need to return to being connected with nature so that we can return to the laws of Allah. The end of days are here and we need to be on the right side, leading to Jannah al Firdous. Ameen.

Our principles are based on the following

Fitrah – the natural disposition to turn to Allah, why we get attached to the sea or forest, as there is already peace and worship taking place there.
Mizan – the balance in all creation, within ourselves, open up doors, creation in pairs, how we deal, measure, laws for man with examples in the natural world
Amanah – the trust Allah has put in us for ourselves and the earth
Tawheed – belief in one God as you see/hear Him, unifying whole, creation is interconnected around us and unified. divine order. revelation.
Khalifa – the role of cultivation of society and the earth. our responsibility


Our vision is to create a generation of leaders who are awake with their hearts and minds, able to recognise the plots of shaitan, able to reconnect with nature and tawheed in a profound way. These leaders will then support others on the journey to leadership too. We aim to be the leading body teaching the connections between Islam and Nature.


Hearts SEE will provide basic, intermediate and advanced courses in order to encourage nature connectedness. These courses will link ayahs in the Quran to the current (incorrect) world view as well the correct view, through learning about trees, plants, bees, birds, animals, insects, patterns, sounds, energy, vibration, resonance, food, farming, polymathic thinking, tazkiyah and reflection.

Founder Message

Sheikh Muhammed Foulds is currently serving as Head Imam and Principal of Religious Affairs in the UK Prison Service, He has developed pathways and treatment ideas inspired by nature’s systems to help the prisoners and their views on the world. His early career started as a paramedic and then he moved into roles in the natural world.

Sheikh Fould pursued degrees in human ecology and raptor biology and became a professional falconer for over 20 years as weil as holding positions such as Director of Lincolnshire Wildlife Park. He has actively contributed to conservation and education initiatives at various zoos and parks in the United Kingdom. His journey led him to religion and he became a Christian minister but then embraced Islam in 2000 whilst researching for his MPhil in the Eurasian Griffon Vulture in Saudi Arabia.

Sheikh Foulds is predominantly from a Hanafi background and enriched his knowledge by studying under diverse scholars, including Shafi, Maliki, and a few Hanbali. He is rooted in a sound Aqeedah based on the Quran, the Sunnah, and the practices of the first three generations of companions. Sheikh Foulds’s Islamic Studies journey has taken him to prestigious institutions such as Taif Islamic Institute in Saudi Arabia, Dar ul Loom Azaadville in South Africa, London Muslim College in the UK, and Gloucester Islamic Centre in the UK.

Whilst completing his Aalim studies in South Africa, he also trained as a safari guide and tracker. Hearts SEE was founded on 40 years of learning and based on 5 principles Sheikh developed during his journey. He is currently working on promoting these with work he is doing with the Prince’s Trust in the UK to target the curriculum in schools and scholars from the Al Maqaasid Institute in Canada to target the teaching given to ulema and teachers.